I want to combine what may appear to be two disparate thoughts: Insanity & Toxic Relationships.
An oft-quoted expression is that the definition of insanity is: “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” Most people agree tacitly with this idea. However, their actions don't match up. People will do the familiar and comfortable then turn around and talk about term limits. What!!!
A toxic relationship can be described as one that make you feel unsupported, where you consistently give more than what you get in return. It's a one way relationship,
I, the author, suggest that the Texas Republican Party often finds itself in a “POLITICAL TOXIC RELATIONSHIP”. During this primary season, we have or will receive the mailers for financial support and letters of why we need to support those in office. Shamefully, some of will say: well “it's the devil we know”. MALARKEY.
The evidence I offer: Republicans controlled both branches in Austin as well as the Governorship yet only a few of our Legislative Priorities got passed. How... how... why... why? Someone explain this to me/us. Here's what elected officials will say – You don't understand how the sausage is made. Perhaps the response needs to be, well, you don't understand how we DO NOT have to put you back into office.
Oh well, I guess I need to wake up since it won't happen because too many people are afraid of disrupting the apple cart. Therefore, we get the government we deserve (ELECT).
Let's move this down to a more local level. Do you know the duties and responsibilities of your elected officials or are you moved by “feelings”. Are you swayed by what you think officials should be doing or are you moved more by what actually falls under their span of control? I'm 100 in support of change if someone is not doing their ACTUAL duties – not what I fancy them to do.
I'm honestly trying to wrap my head around the number of people who are suddenly on the ballot? Where have all of y'all been hiding. Give me three CONCRETE items that you have a plan to accomplish – no generalities, don't talk to me about things that do not fall in you span of control.
I honestly hope that people who are suddenly showing up at meetings win or lose continue to show up to do the work and make a difference. Appearances should not be a two year and four year events. Here's where the onerous falls on we the voters. We've abdicate our duties to do the work and stay informed. We won't email or call candidates to ask the tough questions. Generally speaking, we want all the info wrapped up nice and pretty with a bow for us.
Lastly, Texas Court of Criminal Appeals I'm no jurist so I'm still wrapping my head around your ruling on the AG not being able to independently prosecute voter fraud cases (Thank you Judge Yeary for the dissent). I guess this is akin to the fiddler on the roof dilemma – you can have a pound of flesh but you can't spill a drop of blood. AG you can only prosecute if the DA in the county where the incident occurred invites you- good luck with that in our more liberal counties.